Eastern Bank’s foundation chief urban food experience to grow minority businesses Oct. 6, 2017 Robin Washington Boston Business Journal Glynn Lloyd Title: Executive director, Foundation for Business Equity, Eastern Bank; part owner and former CEO, City Fresh Foods Age:… Continue Reading →
The Marshall Project Oct. 5, 2017 Robin Washington Commentary ROBIN WASHINGTON Whatever the reason behind the worst mass shooting in modern American history, there is little debate about the facts: Stephen Paddock booked a room at the Mandalay… Continue Reading →
One of Robin’s most cited stories is his remembrance on NPR of naked swim class at Lane Tech. Chicago’s WBEZ revisits the couldn’t-be-true (but is!) naked swimming story and includes Robin’s traumatic memories.
By Robin Washington Sept. 8, 2017 If you saw the video, you know it wasn’t fake. The pickup truck with Wisconsin plates and a confederate flag flying in the back was captured by Edward Moody of KBJR. And if… Continue Reading →
The Boston Globe By Robin Washington Sept. 7, 2017 If President Trump wants to get behind a bold, bipartisan, good-for-America initiative (well, that’s what he says; who knows what he really wants?), he could sign the driverless car bill… Continue Reading →
By Robin Washington Sept. 8, 2017 You’ll forgive Abraham Gonzalez if he’s a little off in quoting Shakespeare. He majored in psych, not English, so when he says “Sweet are the fruits of adversity” (Shakespeare said “uses,” not fruits), he… Continue Reading →
Wednesday, September 6, 2017 By Robin Washington Did you see your neighbor’s new electric car pulling out of the driveway? And did you hear it? It probably sounded something like this: Silence. There’s not much to listen to or see… Continue Reading →
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